Nalani Visual Gardens

Nalani Visual Gardens

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Skimboarding Highlights from 2011


Irie Trav

If you dont know who Travis Sampson is... you do now

Dirty Ol' W

The View We love

Here are some videos that I have filmed at the Wedge in newport beach

my fav:)

kookkevin on the news?

theses two videos that i have filmed have made it onto the news two different times

something magic about wedge

Who hasn't had a day dream about brazil yet?

who wouldnt want to see bill bryan skim all the different waves in Brazil?

Oktoberfest 2011

here is my edit of the 2011 main st exile oktoberfest

future of skimboarding winners

and cant forget about good friend  david sterman

One evening sesh down at Thalia st laguna beach

3 quick videos

These 3 edits are short...but are not lacking much
Erick Rosenberry highlights from his cabo 2011 trip

Blair Conklin one afternoon down at 10th street laguna

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